Microsoft MB-340 Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce Functional Consultant Exam:
We would like to guide you in passing the Microsoft MB-340 exam and becoming a certified Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce Functional Consultant. This certification demonstrates your expertise in implementing and configuring Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce solutions for customers.
Exam Details:
- Cost: $165 USD
- Passing mark: 700 out of 1000 points
- Time: 150 minutes
- Delivery Method: Online proctored or in-person at a testing center
- Format: Multiple choice and case study questions
Exam Objectives:
The Microsoft MB-340 exam covers the following objectives:
- Configure Commerce Platform
- Configure Commerce Data Model
- Configure and Manage Commerce Functionality
- Configure and Manage Payment and Tax
- Configure and Manage Order Management
- Configure and Manage Customer Service
Under the objective "Configure Commerce Platform," you will be tested on your ability to configure the commerce platform, including creating and managing sites and defining commerce entities. You should be familiar with site creation, site management, and commerce entity definition in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce.
Under the objective "Configure Commerce Data Model," you will be tested on your ability to configure the commerce data model, including creating and managing catalogs, defining attributes and classes, and managing product relationships. You should be familiar with catalog creation and management, attribute and class definition, and product relationship management in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce.
Under the objective "Configure and Manage Commerce Functionality," you will be tested on your ability to configure and manage commerce functionality, including configuring promotions, coupons, and discounts, as well as managing inventory and order fulfillment. You should be familiar with promotion, coupon, and discount configuration, inventory management, and order fulfillment in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce.
Under the objective "Configure and Manage Payment and Tax," you will be tested on your ability to configure and manage payment and tax, including setting up and managing payment methods, configuring tax calculation, and managing tax exemptions. You should be familiar with payment method setup and management, tax calculation configuration, and tax exemption management in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce.
Under the objective "Configure and Manage Order Management," you will be tested on your ability to configure and manage order management, including order processing and management, returns management, and order history. You should be familiar with order processing and management, returns management, and order history in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce.
Under the objective "Configure and Manage Customer Service," you will be tested on your ability to configure and manage customer service, including managing customer accounts and orders, as well as resolving customer service issues. You should be familiar with customer account and order management, as well as customer service issue resolution in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce.