If you are interested in becoming a Pega Certified Lead System Architect (LSA) and want to pass the PEGACLSA74V1-A exam, you are in the right place. The PEGACLSA74V1-A exam tests your knowledge of Pega Architecture and provides certification to successful candidates. This exam is designed to evaluate your ability to develop and implement advanced Pega solutions for clients.
Exam Objectives:
The PEGACLSA74V1-A exam covers the following topics:
- Understanding the Pega Platform architecture and components
- Designing and implementing scalable and secure Pega applications
- Integrating Pega applications with other systems and technologies
- Configuring and managing Pega applications for optimal performance
- Designing and implementing data models and structures
- Implementing advanced case management and business process management (BPM) solutions
- Developing and implementing custom user interfaces (UI) and user experience (UX) features
- Managing and deploying Pega applications using DevOps best practices
Who should take the exam?
The PEGACLSA74V1-A exam is intended for experienced Pega developers, technical architects, and lead system architects who want to validate their skills and knowledge of Pega Architecture. Candidates should have at least three years of experience working with the Pega Platform and should be familiar with the PegaRULES Process Commander (PRPC) application.
What are the prerequisites and qualifications for taking the PEGACLSA74V1-A exam?
To be eligible to take the PEGACLSA74V1-A exam, candidates must have already passed the Pega Certified System Architect (CSA) and Pega Certified Senior System Architect (CSSA) exams. Candidates should also have hands-on experience designing and developing Pega applications and be familiar with Pega Architecture and best practices.
Exam Details:
The PEGACLSA74V1-A exam is a computer-based exam that is offered through Pearson VUE testing centers around the world. The exam consists of 75 multiple-choice questions that must be completed within 90 minutes. The cost of the exam is $175 USD per attempt.
To pass the PEGACLSA74V1-A exam, candidates must score at least 70% or higher. Candidates who do not pass the exam on their first attempt may retake the exam after a waiting period of 7 days.
Related Books:
There are several books available that can help candidates prepare for the PEGACLSA74V1-A exam. These include:
- The Pega Architecture and Design Guide: A Comprehensive Guide to Pega Systems by Carola Dauster and Helmut Krcmar
- Pega Certified Lead System Architect (LSA) Exam Study Guide: The Ultimate Resource for the PEGACLSA74V1-A Exam by Matthew L. Brasier
- Pega Platform Architecture: Designing Scalable, High-Performing, and Secure Pega Solutions by Daniel Selman
These books cover topics such as Pega Architecture, application design and development, data modeling, case management, UI and UX design, and more. They
provide detailed explanations, examples, and practice questions to help candidates prepare for the PEGACLSA74V1-A exam.
In addition to these books, Pega offers several training courses and resources to help candidates prepare for the PEGACLSA74V1-A exam. These include:
- Pega Certified Lead System Architect (LSA) 74V1 Exam Preparation Course
- Pega Platform Architect Essentials Course
- Pega Platform Architecture and Design Course
- Pega Developer Exam Study Guide
These courses cover a range of topics related to Pega Architecture and development, including case design, data modeling, integration, UI and UX design, and more. They include lectures, hands-on exercises, and practice exams to help candidates build their skills and knowledge.
In conclusion, passing the PEGACLSA74V1-A exam requires a solid understanding of Pega Architecture and development best practices. Candidates should be familiar with the topics covered on the exam and should have hands-on experience designing and developing Pega applications. In addition to books and training courses, candidates should also practice with sample exam questions and seek out additional resources to help them prepare for the exam.