If you are planning to take the Veritas VCS-278 Administration of Veritas NetBackup 8.1.2 exam, then you are in the right place. This exam is designed for administrators who want to demonstrate their knowledge and skills in managing and maintaining Veritas NetBackup 8.1.2 environments. In this article, we will discuss the exam objectives, prerequisites, related books, and the exam details to help you prepare for this certification exam.
Exam Objectives:
The VCS-278 exam tests your knowledge and skills in the following areas:
- Installation and Configuration
- NetBackup Administration
- Performance Tuning
- Storage Provisioning and Optimization
- Backup and Restore Operations
- Advanced Topics
Each of these areas covers several sub-topics, which you can find on the official exam page. Make sure that you are familiar with all the topics and sub-topics before you take the exam.
Exam Details:
The Veritas VCS-278 exam is a proctored exam that consists of 75 questions. You have 105 minutes to complete the exam, and you must score at least 69% to pass. The exam costs $250 USD, and you can take it at any Pearson VUE testing center or online via the Pearson VUE OnVUE platform.
The exam format is multiple-choice, and you can take it in English, Japanese, or Simplified Chinese. You can request accommodations if you have a disability or condition that requires special arrangements.
Who should take the exam?
The Veritas VCS-278 exam is designed for Veritas NetBackup administrators who want to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in managing and maintaining Veritas NetBackup 8.1.2 environments. If you are responsible for installing, configuring, and managing Veritas NetBackup, this exam is for you.
Prerequisites and Qualifications:
There are no formal prerequisites for taking the VCS-278 exam. However, Veritas recommends that you have at least six months of hands-on experience with Veritas NetBackup 8.1.2 before taking the exam. You should also have a good understanding of storage concepts, networking, and operating systems.
Related Books:
There are several books that can help you prepare for the VCS-278 exam. Here are some of the most recommended ones:
- Veritas NetBackup 8.1.2: Administration Guide
- Veritas NetBackup 8.1.2: Troubleshooting Guide
- Veritas NetBackup 8.1.2: Security and Encryption Guide
- Veritas NetBackup 8.1.2: Deduplication Guide
- Veritas NetBackup 8.1.2: Best Practices Guide
These books cover the topics and sub-topics of the VCS-278 exam and provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to pass the exam.
Preparing for the Veritas VCS-278 exam requires dedication, time, and effort. You need to have a good understanding of Veritas NetBackup 8.1.2 and its various components. You should also have hands-on experience with the product to gain the practical skills you need to succeed in the exam. By following the exam objectives, prerequisites, and related books, you
can increase your chances of passing the exam and earning your Veritas NetBackup certification. Good luck!